what we do

Young Mariners New Zealand is an organization for girls 8-19 years old

Mariners provides opportunities for fun, friendship and adventure. Through our activity choices, girls are encouraged to reach their potential, be independent, confident and caring. We empower them to give leadership and develop their decision-making and life skills. Young Mariners helps them connect with their community and with the wider world. They also become amazing sailors!

If you would like to join Young Mariners, or find out more about us, contact the unit leader closest to you as listed on our Contacts page.

Our objectives

  • To encourage the physical, mental and spiritual development of young people.
  • To provide an enjoyable and attractive, and challenging programmes.
  • To liaise with other organisations with similar aims and objectives.
  • To foster comradeship and understanding through the sea and nature.


Water sports are a major focus of Young Mariners. Sailing is given significant attention as it gives the girls skills for life that will allow them to enjoy New Zealand’s beautiful coastline. The sailing skills are built up gradually through a combination of fun outings combined with races to add the spice of competition.

Safety is paramount in all activities. The girls are supplied with the essential safety equipment and the training to allow them to put to sea safely and handle many of the situations they might face while on the water.


The ability to set up the boats becomes second nature to the girls after all of the practice they get. In fact, they get so good at it that they have rigging competitions where they must prepare their boat for sailing within a set period of time. A small team gets this happening under the watchful eye of the judges – and get this – they have to do the rigging in silence!!

The rigging is the easy part!!

Rowing (Pulling)

Pulling might seem like a strange title for an activity on the water, to many it might be considered similar to Rowing.

The term Pulling is used for rowing the Cutter class boats used by Young Mariners. Girls are trained in the terminology and techniques required to move a reasonably heavy boat along at a fast clip by using oars. The pulling races at Regattas are a highlight for all as a show of strength, agility, teamwork and coordination.

It’s also hilarious to watch the parents try to compete in the open races – coordination and team work is often missing!


The girls get many opportunities throughout the year to build their skills in setting up and maintaining a camp site.  They become very skilled at raising their tents and very particular about how they want their camp to be maintained. There are competitions for camping skills that bring out the best in the teams.




Yes, we get to shoot...! In a specially made firing range, we can safely shoot targets whilst competing for the Shooting Trophy at our Easter Regatta.